debian-faq in NEW - or: remove documentation from the archive at all
(too old to reply)
Joost van Baal-Ilić
2022-04-04 19:00:01 UTC
the byhand queue is quite different from the new
queue, possibly there are very few ftpmaster who actually know how to
process it.
Maybe in a next upload of debian-faq, we could get rid of this by-hand stuff.
Afaik it's only used to get the FAQ content published at
https://ftp.debian.org/debian/doc/ . Now that we no longer offer our mirrors
via ftp, I guess most of the rationale for doing this is gone. Or am I
overlooking something here?


Paul Wise
2022-04-05 00:00:01 UTC
Post by Joost van Baal-Ilić
Maybe in a next upload of debian-faq, we could get rid of this by-hand stuff.
Afaik it's only used to get the FAQ content published at
I think it would be better to send a dak patch turning the manual
processing for debian-faq by-hand into automatic by-hand processing.
There are multiple examples of automatic by-hand processing in dak,
so it should not be very hard to do that.
Post by Joost van Baal-Ilić
Now that we no longer offer our mirrors via ftp
The ftp protocol is irrelevant here, since the documentation is
available on the mirrors irrespective of what protocol is used to
contact them or if the mirror is an offline one available on disk.
Post by Joost van Baal-Ilić
I guess most of the rationale for doing this is gone.
I think the rationale remains the same; that the mirrors should have a
readable copy of some Debian documentation. If anything I would argue
that that documentation available there should be increased to also
include the Debian install guide and perhaps other documentation.

Joost van Baal-Ilić
2022-04-06 04:50:01 UTC
Post by Paul Wise
Post by Joost van Baal-Ilić
Maybe in a next upload of debian-faq, we could get rid of this by-hand stuff.
Afaik it's only used to get the FAQ content published at
I think it would be better to send a dak patch turning the manual
processing for debian-faq by-hand into automatic by-hand processing.
There are multiple examples of automatic by-hand processing in dak,
so it should not be very hard to do that.
Post by Joost van Baal-Ilić
Now that we no longer offer our mirrors via ftp
The ftp protocol is irrelevant here, since the documentation is
available on the mirrors irrespective of what protocol is used to
contact them or if the mirror is an offline one available on disk.
Post by Joost van Baal-Ilić
I guess most of the rationale for doing this is gone.
I think the rationale remains the same; that the mirrors should have a
readable copy of some Debian documentation. If anything I would argue
that that documentation available there should be increased to also
include the Debian install guide and perhaps other documentation.
A, indeed, good point. And I agree with all other points (but unfortunately
don't have time to write a dak patch).

Luckily ftp-masters in the mean time did accept the faq upload. Thanks!


Holger Wansing
2022-04-06 06:50:01 UTC
Post by Joost van Baal-Ilić
Luckily ftp-masters in the mean time did accept the faq upload. Thanks!
Yes, That's great. Many thanks

Now I can look into activating the new Portuguese translation
on the website (which is one major point in this upload, and indeed the
reason, why this had to go through NEW).


Sent from /e/ OS on Fairphone3
Osamu Aoki
2022-04-17 16:00:01 UTC

FYI: FAQ is published automatically upon uploading the package using cron script
which unpack deb package to www.debian.org pages.

So I think we can simply drop by hand if we put short static file in package archive
mirror containing something like:

For help, please see:
* https://www.debian.org/support
* FAQ https://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#faq
* Debian Installation Guide https://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#install
* Debian Release Notes https://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#relnotes
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: debian-faq in NEW - or: remove documentation from the archive at all
Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2022 07:54:47 +0800
Post by Joost van Baal-Ilić
Maybe in a next upload of debian-faq, we could get rid of this by-hand stuff.
Afaik it's only used to get the FAQ content published at
or http://deb.debian.org/debian/doc/
more specifically http://deb.debian.org/debian/doc/FAQ/
I think it would be better to send a dak patch turning the manual
processing for debian-faq by-hand into automatic by-hand processing.
There are multiple examples of automatic by-hand processing in dak,
so it should not be very hard to do that.
Post by Joost van Baal-Ilić
Now that we no longer offer our mirrors via ftp
FTP protocol access was used in automatic script but that has been updated to use
HTTP protocol now. So missing FTP access is not issue. (This update was done long
after announced FTP-shutdown. Somehow, it was working in the mean time. So FTP may
had been available long after announcement for some mirror.)
The ftp protocol is irrelevant here, since the documentation is
available on the mirrors irrespective of what protocol is used to
contact them or if the mirror is an offline one available on disk.
This is only true for web mirrors: www.debiun.org
Post by Joost van Baal-Ilić
I guess most of the rationale for doing this is gone.
I think the rationale remains the same; that the mirrors should have a
readable copy of some Debian documentation. If anything I would argue
that that documentation available there should be increased to also
include the Debian install guide and perhaps other documentation.
How about my simpler solution above?
