Debian Documentation BoF @ DebConf17, Montréal
(too old to reply)
Joost van Baal-Ilić
2017-08-04 11:10:01 UTC

FYI: I just submitted this proposal for a BoF at DebConf17, after an
inspirational discussion with W. Martin "debacle" Borgert:

We'll be discussing the state of Debian's Documentation, what we would like it
to be (the Arch wiki?), and how to get there. keywords: The Debian Wiki,
Installation Manual, Release Notes, The Debian GNU/Linux FAQ, The Debian
Documentation Project, CVS vs SVN vs git, Debian SGML vs Markdown and ReST,
.... See e.g. https://www.debian.org/doc/ and https://www.debian.org/doc/ddp
for more information.

It's not yet known when exactly this session will take place. There _might_
be video recordings available later.

C U, Bye,

"This particular group of cats is mostly self-herding." -- Bdale Garbee
Joost van Baal-Ilić
2017-08-05 16:40:02 UTC
Post by Joost van Baal-Ilić
FYI: I just submitted this proposal for a BoF at DebConf17, after an
We'll be discussing the state of Debian's Documentation, what we would like it
to be (the Arch wiki?), and how to get there. keywords: The Debian Wiki,
Installation Manual, Release Notes, The Debian GNU/Linux FAQ, The Debian
Documentation Project, CVS vs SVN vs git, Debian SGML vs Markdown and ReST,
.... See e.g. https://www.debian.org/doc/ and https://www.debian.org/doc/ddp
for more information.
It's not yet known when exactly this session will take place. There _might_
be video recordings available later.
Likely it's gonna happen tomorrow, sunday 6th, starting at 15:30 in room

C U, Bye,

When someone once asked Diogenes why he often laughed by himself,
he said, "For that very reason." http://mdcc.cx/
Joost van Baal-Ilić
2017-08-06 21:40:01 UTC
Post by Joost van Baal-Ilić
Post by Joost van Baal-Ilić
FYI: I just submitted this proposal for a BoF at DebConf17, after an
We'll be discussing the state of Debian's Documentation, what we would
like it to be (the Arch wiki?), and how to get there. keywords: The
Debian Wiki, Installation Manual, Release Notes, The Debian GNU/Linux FAQ,
The Debian Documentation Project, CVS vs SVN vs git, Debian SGML vs
Markdown and ReST, ....
Post by Joost van Baal-Ilić
it's gonna happen tomorrow, sunday 6th, starting at 15:30 in room
The talk was announced at https://debconf17.debconf.org/talks/213/ .

The BoF was not video-d; there was some traffic on irc.debian.org
#debconf17-potato. IIRC there were about 7 people attending. The BoF was
scheduled to last 45 minutes, we took 55. I'm very happy with the discussion
which took place.

Here's the "slides", and, more importantly, some notes/conclusions reached.


Debian Documentation BoF


you and Joost van Baal-Ilić
Tilburg University, The Netherlands


DebConf17, Montréal, august 2017


Working on Debian Documentation since
around the "sarge" release (at about 2007),
Debian GNU/Linux FAQ and other documents
(and doing other Debian stuff).


Who has ever edited a wiki?
Who has ever worked with git and/or
Who has commit rights on a Debian vc
repository (e.g. alioth.debian.org)?

[majority replied "yes" on all 3 questions]

Debian Documentation BoF

We’ll be discussing the state of Debian’s
Documentation, what we would like it to be,
and how to get there.

Which problem we have now is big and
urgent? What should we start working on?

The current state
What do we have now?

Release Notes,
Installation Manual,
Debian Reference,
Debian Administrator's Handbook,
Debian GNU/Linux FAQ,
Debian Project History,
Securing Debian Manual,
doc-debian (Social Contract, DFSG,
Constitution, BTS interface),
(and the Debian Wiki and lots of other
stuff too)

(current state...)

... maintained by

The Debian Documentation Project and others


git (and SVN (and CVS...))

to manage

DocBook XML, Debian SGML, asciidoc
(webml, Markdown, ReST, ...)

(current state...)

... published at

deb http://deb.debian.org/debian stable main,

more information, contact

See https://www.debian.org/doc/ and
https://www.debian.org/doc/ddp for more


irc: irc.debian.org #debian-doc

Notes taken during the discussion

- https://bugs.debian.org/870820
- wiki with git backend / possible to have
local copy
- wiki janitor (www.debian.org janitor?)
- automagically tag wiki-pages as obsolete
(e.g. after release?)
- faq should not be typesetted at webserver;
website should use .deb of faq
- at the wiki tag (parts of) pages as e.g.
only relevant to a specific architecture
- make it possible to contact editors of wiki
pages. currently e-mail address is hidden
for other editors. even if you have
someone's wiki login, you still don't have
their e-mail address. personal wikipage
for each wiki account? at account
creation time?
- contact teams in debian about the quality
of "their" wiki pages
- nice thing about wiki janitor job is: you
don't need to be experienced software
developer. nice entry-level job


