Release Notes: Unknown reference "newreleasename"
(too old to reply)
Martin Bagge / brother
2023-06-07 11:50:01 UTC

Noticed that &newreleasename; was added in the upgrading section of the
release notes (looks to be introduced via #1035089) and I can parse that
(or can I?) but make validate does not pass clean with it.

***@janmayen:~/git/other/debian/release-notes (master *)$ LC_ALL=C
make validate LINGUA=sv
xmllint --nonet --noout --postvalid --xinclude sv/release-notes.dbk
sv/upgrading.dbk:463: parser error : Entity 'newreleasename' not defined
&newreleasename;. I och med att <systemitem
sv/release-notes.dbk:389: element link: validity error : Element link
does not carry attribute linkend
sv/release-notes.dbk:389: element link: validity error : No declaration
for attribute linked of element link
sv/release-notes.dbk:1458: element section: validity error : ID dummy
already defined
sv/release-notes.dbk:637: element section: validity error : ID dummy
already defined
Document sv/release-notes.dbk does not validate
make: *** [Makefile:287: validate] Error 3

I'll leave it as is in my translation, it seems to be what others are
doing as well looking at the git log.
Paul Gevers
2023-06-07 19:30:01 UTC
Post by Martin Bagge / brother
Noticed that &newreleasename; was added in the upgrading section of the
release notes (looks to be introduced via #1035089) and I can parse that
(or can I?) but make validate does not pass clean with it.
Thanks, I thought I fixed that...

Yes I did, in commit c4a6eda (but it seems it sneaked in in el).

