Can we make use of Season of Docs by Google Inc
(too old to reply)
Abhijith PA
2022-03-22 16:10:01 UTC
[[Ccing: ***@debian.org, ***@debian.org as there was a
discussion related to this topic long time before in debian-outreach]]

Hello debian-doc.

Season of Docs is an online program conducted by Google Inc where open
source organizations can participate by submitting a proposal to
improve their documentation*. Selected orgs will receive fund which
in turn can be used to hire technical writers. Can we make use of this

From what I understand from their web page[1], Its nothing like google
summer of code as there will be nor any mentors neither any students.
Org receives fund directly from Google Inc and org itself need to hire
professional technical writers from outside to work on the
documentation and progress reports have to be submitted to Google.
And this has nothing to do with outreach team.

Most important part, deadline for submitting application is on March
25, 2022 at 18:00 UTC


*documentation - It can be of anything from writings docs to auditing,
proof reading.
[1] - https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs
Joost van Baal-Ilić
2022-03-22 17:40:01 UTC
Hi abhijith,

Thanks for reaching out to debian-doc. I agree Season of Docs migth be useful
for Debian. I think one of the first things we should organize in the 3 days
left, is:

- Have community members willing to help recruit, evaluate, and onboard a
technical writer, and who would be available to answer questions and provide
other support during the project (6-8 months, including the application

- Have a community member willing to serve as the organization administrator
and coordinate creating the application, responding to questions from the
program administrators, and submitting monthly evaluations and the final
evaluation and case study? The organization administrator should also be
willing to answer followup surveys after the completion of the Season of Docs

(as I've found on
https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/docs/admin-guide .) Are you aware
of any volunteers for this? Would you yourself be willing to do that work?


Post by Abhijith PA
related to this topic long time before in debian-outreach]]
Hello debian-doc.
Season of Docs is an online program conducted by Google Inc where open
source organizations can participate by submitting a proposal to improve
their documentation*. Selected orgs will receive fund which in turn can be
used to hire technical writers. Can we make use of this program.
From what I understand from their web page[1], Its nothing like google
summer of code as there will be nor any mentors neither any students. Org
receives fund directly from Google Inc and org itself need to hire
professional technical writers from outside to work on the documentation and
progress reports have to be submitted to Google. And this has nothing to do
with outreach team.
Most important part, deadline for submitting application is on March 25,
2022 at 18:00 UTC
*documentation - It can be of anything from writings docs to auditing, proof
[1] - https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs
Abhijith PA
2022-03-22 19:20:01 UTC
Post by Joost van Baal-Ilić
Hi abhijith,
Thanks for reaching out to debian-doc. I agree Season of Docs migth be useful
for Debian. I think one of the first things we should organize in the 3 days
- Have community members willing to help recruit, evaluate, and onboard a
technical writer, and who would be available to answer questions and provide
other support during the project (6-8 months, including the application
Even though someone has to do this. Its not something that we need to
do in 3 days.
Post by Joost van Baal-Ilić
- Have a community member willing to serve as the organization administrator
and coordinate creating the application, responding to questions from the
program administrators, and submitting monthly evaluations and the final
evaluation and case study? The organization administrator should also be
willing to answer followup surveys after the completion of the Season of Docs
(as I've found on
https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/docs/admin-guide .) Are you aware
of any volunteers for this? Would you yourself be willing to do that work?
Sadly no. That is why I posted it on debian-doc list. And by this
'work', I assume you meant the application process and making progress
report. That is also a *no* from me. Teams or the community member
who use this oppurtunity need to do that as well.

