How do I push a translation to the official Debian documentation?
(too old to reply)
2023-04-30 04:30:01 UTC
Hello, community members.I've been learning about Debian's WiKi, and I've translated the chapter “Booting a UEFI machine normally“ in the “UEFI“ entry.How can I push the translation to the official WiKi?
Original article, https://wiki.debian.org/UEFI#Booting_a_UEFI_machine_normallyTranslation, https://my.oschina.net/chipo/blog/8559560
I tried to register an account with WiKi and it tells me that I cannot register automatically.
Account creation failed: Automatic account creation disabled to stop spammers signing up. Please contact ***@debian.org and describe what you want to do in the wiki.Please contact us in English, otherwise we will have to pass your message to online translation services.
Or, how do I apply to join the Debian community's documentation SIG?
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Paul Wise
2023-05-01 04:00:01 UTC
Post by gugudu
I tried to register an account with WiKi and it tells me that I cannot register automatically.
Account creation failed: Automatic account creation disabled to stop spammers signing up. 
I think you have sent this mail to the wrong address, as the error
says, you should have sent it to ***@debian.org instead. Luckily as a
wiki admin I also read the debian-doc list so you reached a wiki admin
anyway. Your email is now approved, please reregister the account.

Please also read our guides for translators:

