Failed pipeline for latest | debian-reference | 51c0df57
(too old to reply)
Beatrice Torracca
2021-12-04 18:20:01 UTC
Hi everyone!

I received the following message from Salsa (I obfuscate my email
address and name in the text).
✖ Pipeline #323842 has failed!
Project Debian <https://salsa.debian.org/debian> / debian-reference
latest <https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debian-reference/-/commits/latest>
Partial update of the Italian translation
Commit Author
[snip my name]
Pipeline #323842
triggered by < my name and salsa ID>
had 1 failed build.
Failed builds
✖ test
I have no idea if it is because I tried the command "make test" as
suggested in the readme or if my translation has errors.

It is the first time that I receive something like this.

I can of course revert the commit if there is a problem with my partial
Update of the Italian translation.

Sadly trying to build locally it is very difficult for me with all the
entities declarations missing, and I never managed to make it work
properly to see the document build.


Beatrice Torracca
2021-12-04 20:40:02 UTC
Hi again!
Post by Beatrice Torracca
Hi everyone!
I received the following message from Salsa (I obfuscate my email
address and name in the text).
✖     Pipeline #323842 has failed!
I think it was because I used a URL with "%" signs. If it is for that, I
see Xiao already fixed the problem; so my thanks to Xiao.

Good weekend,

xiao sheng wen(肖盛文)
2021-12-05 01:10:01 UTC

debian-reference had add CI/CD [1] in salsa, It will do some test and
build after every git commit in pipeline.

If has any failed, the member of  debian-reference in salsa perhaps
receive the "Failed pipeline" notifications email.

The notifications email[2] can set in salsa by yourself.


If has any % character or  & character in the URL, it will break the build.

https://www.urldecoder.io/ can help to transfer the URL to UTF-8 online.

Please see README.md [3] for detail.

The weblate also has this remind[4].


[2] https://salsa.debian.org/-/profile/notifications


[4] https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/debian-reference/
Post by Beatrice Torracca
Hi again!
Post by Beatrice Torracca
Hi everyone!
I received the following message from Salsa (I obfuscate my email
address and name in the text).
✖     Pipeline #323842 has failed!
I think it was because I used a URL with "%" signs. If it is for that,
I see Xiao already fixed the problem; so my thanks to Xiao.
You are welcome.
Post by Beatrice Torracca
Good weekend,
肖盛文 xiao sheng wen Faris Xiao
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